§ Two Mutually Exclusive Opposed Seeds


  1. Biblical cosmology rests on the conflict of two hostile, mutually exclusive spiritual seeds vying to inseminate the natural seed (or “field”) of mankind (Mt. 13:24-30,36-43; I Jn. 3:10). Only one of those spiritual seeds is of Christ. (Gen. 3:15; Mt. 13:38; 15:13; Jn. 8:43-47; Gal. 3:16,29; 4:29). (The two spiritual seeds remain mutually exclusively identified throughout scripture and never merge into one universal seed of Christ. In the Universalist cosmos, there is no explanation for two seeds. All mankind should be of one and the same spiritual seed eligible to conversion.)








§ The Select, Exclusively Defined Seed of the Father


  1. All effectual salvation occurs only as a unique exclusive and selective “word-seed” identity planting by the Father into the ground of the embodied human heart (Mt. 15:13; Jas. 1:21), coming to birth (or harvest) as a new spiritual creation under endurance testing inside of mortal life conditions (Mt. 13:18-23, 37-39; I Pt. 1:23; I Jn. 3:9). All spirit rebirth takes place only within context of original living flesh conception/birth (Jn. 3:5-8), the product of rich intricate processes that occur under environmental conditions carefully and thoroughly spelled out in the above scriptures. (Just as life is found only on earth, but not on Mercury, neither can it be found in the waterless fiery caverns of hell and the Lake of Fire inhabited by disembodied souls and resurrectional death bodies (Mt. 13:42). None of the scripturally described, living, terrestrial planting conditions exists there by which a seed of salvation may be birthed or harvested into a new creation. There is no more earth in which to plant, and all subsequent conditions of proving for deeds of the natural body unto adjudication are not replicable. For Universalism to be true, earthenware flesh for a new Father planting would have to exist in hell by which new testing could occur unto further adjudication. The idea that salvation is driven by a mere human decision that by the tortures of hell can be forcibly eeked out of billions of damned souls where they couldn’t be successfully “persuaded” of it under mortal conditions demonstrates a complete ignorance of the indispensable terrestrial spirit-seed planting and harvesting nature of salvation.)







§ Salvation Belongs Only to a Delimited Believing and Intra-Loving Sheepfold


  1. Biblical salvation delineates an identity separation between a named redeemed elect sheepfold belonging to the Lamb / Shepherd and all others (thieves, robbers, strangers, wolves, goats) (Ps. 23; 78:52; 79:13; 95:7; Ps. 100:3; 119:76; Jer. 23:1; 50:6; Ezk.34:11-16; Mic. 2:12; Mt. 9:36; 10:16; 18:12-13; 26:31; Lk. 12:32; 15:4-7; Jn. 10:1-5,7-11, 14-16, 26-28; 11:51-52; Rom. 8:3336; I Pt. 2:25; Rev. 7:17); and all lost sheep are shown to be redeemed at and by the time of the judgment (Mt. 25:32-34; Jn. 10:27-28). (There is no explanation in the Universalist construct for a specially elected, named sheepfold identified apart from all others. Above all, no sheep ever go to or are found in the Lake of Fire nor therefore can be created by some mystical transmutation out of goats as a result of “doing time” burning in the Lake of Fire. No concept of spiritual DNA “cross-breeding” between or “conversion” of goats to sheep occurs anywhere in scripture, nor can it in order to meet the definition of “holy.”)



  1. God’s love for the world (Jn. 3:16) is sub-defined as a separated unified love only within the believing brotherhood (Jn. 14:21,23;15:10,12-13;17:8,11,20-2123(10:26), 22-23,25-26; I Jn. 2:9-11; 3:10-11,14,16-19;4:7-12,16-21;5;2-3; Col. 1:4; Phile. 5). (For Universalism to be true, there can be no distinction or discrimination between God’s love for believers and non-believers or between believers and non-believers. He and they must love all men equally indiscriminately. The discriminatory love of God upon a select body from within the world utterly contradicts and disproves the humanist Universalist belief that God loves all men equally.)



§ Salvation Belongs Only to a Delimited Sainthood


  1. The objects of salvation are identified as “saints” (i.e., the sanctified), called separately from, in contrast to and/or in opposition against the rest of the world (Ps. 16:3-4; 34:9,1516; (149:4-9); Dan. 7:17-1821-22,25-27; Ac. 9:13,32,41; 26:10; Rom. 1:7; 8:27; 12:13;1 5:25-2631; I Cor. 1:2; 6:1-2; 14:33; 16:1,15; II Cor. 1:1;8:4; 9:1,12; 13:13; Eph. 1:1,15,18; 2:19; 3:8,18; 4:12; 5:3; 6:18; Php. 1:1; 4:22; Col. 1:2,4,12,26; I Th. 3:13(Jude 3,14-15; Rev. 19:14-15); II Th. 1:10; I Tim. 5:10; Phile. 5,7; Heb. 2:11; 6:10; 13:24; I Pt. 1:2; Rev. 5:8; 8:3-4; 11:18; 13:7,10; 14:12; 16:6; 17:6; 18:20,24; 19:8; 20:9). (The identification of the saved as “saints” throughout biblical history forward into the heavenly dimensions of the New Jerusalem in contrast and opposition to the rest of mankind defeats any conception of universal salvation. “Universal sainthood” is an oxymoron.) 





§ Salvation is Identified Only within a Restricted Kingdom

  1. Salvation equates to entrance into the kingdom of God (Mt. 19:24-26; also Mk. 10:25-27; Lk. 18:25-27) contingent upon established righteousness (Mt. 5:20) and fruitfulness (Mt. 7:16-20; Tit. 3:14) in the doing of the will of God in this life (Mt. 7:21), oppositely to being cut down and burned as a tree (Mt. 7:19; Lk. 3:9; 13:7,9) wherein said fruitlessness is terminally cursed (Mk. 11:13-14, 20-21). (All the terrestrial contingencies that sub-define and qualify entrance into the kingdom of God demonstrate that God’s kingdom is not a Universalist kingdom of salvation, but instead defeat any concept of universal reconciliation from out of the Lake of Fire after the final judgment.  Further, being cut down and burned does not establish salvation righteousness or fruitfulness or the will of God, and the conditions of hell prohibit the capacity to exercise the will of God.)



  1. The teachings and parables of the Kingdom all delineate between the saved within the Kingdom of God and the damned left open-endedly outside the Kingdom to burn and weep ((Mt. 8:11-12; 13:24(30,40-43), 47-50; 18:2334; 21:(30-31with 7:21), 43; 22:2711-13; 23:13; 25:(11430),(344146); Lk. 9:62; 10:10-12; 13:28-29; 19:11-1227; Jn. 3:3,5; I Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:21; Eph. 5:5; II Th. 1:5-10) (Rev. 21:822:14-15)). (Therefore the kingdom of God is not defined by its capacity for universally effectual salvation. It does not close the enmity continuum with the netherworld domain.)


  1. Salvation of the rich into the kingdom of God is an exceptional possibility only (Mt. 19:23-26; Mk. 10:24-27; Lk. 18:24-25), exemplified by the unexceptional rich man in hell who was not saved into the kingdom (Lk. 16:22-31). (That salvation of the rich is only an exceptional possibility, and can only occur preventatively of the final judgment denies that the kingdom is universally saving.)


  1. Salvation into the kingdom of God is an exclusive inheritance (Mt. 19:29; 25:34; Ac. 20:32; 26:18; Rom. 9:6-8; I Cor. 15:50; Gal. 3:18; Eph. 1:11,14; Col. 1:12; 3:24; Tit. 3:7; Heb. 1:14; 9:15; I Pt. 1:4; 3:9; Rev. 21:7) pitted against the damned (Mt. 25:41,46; II Th. 1:5-10; Heb. 11:7; Rev. 21:8) wherein the wicked have no part (I Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:21; Eph. 5:5;  Heb. 12:17). (Inheritance is a one-time permanent award. That salvation is defined in terms of a selective inheritance precludes the possibility of its effectual universality. If salvation were universal it would not be by qualified inheritance described against the damned who have no inheritance.)


  1. The kingdom of God will universally vanquish all other kingdoms ((Ps. 145:1320; Is. 60:12; Dan 2:44-45; 7:9-14,17-18,21-27; Ob. 21; I Cor. 15:24) Rev. 11:15; 12:10). (Therefore the universality of the authority of the kingdom of God is not defined by its saving capacity. It is not a kingdom of universal salvation that closes the enmity continuum with the netherworld, but rather is established on enforcing that universal open continuum. Please see further PART 9 § The Nature of Restoration Age Lordship and Worship.)


  1. The kingdom of God is established upon the overthrow of satan and his angels who are overcome by the believers (Rev. 12:10-11) wherein believers maintain a sustained attitude of uncompromising enmity toward satan and his minions (e.g., Rev. 11:5). (Thus the kingdom and its believers are anti-reconciliatory toward satan and his hosts. No reconciliation is postulated or envisioned, and the proposition of universal reconciliation with satan and his hosts is revealed to be a doctrine of spiritual treason amid this age of spiritual warfare. (Please see further PART 8 § The Anti-Reconciliatory Terminality of Divine Wrath, Point 174).)



§ Salvation and the Consummation of the Ages


  1. The consummation of the ages has already come (I Cor. 10:11; Heb. 9:26). (The consummation of the ages therefore does not indicate a future universal reconciliation of the domain of the Lake of Fire with the domains of heaven and earth.)

Proceed to PART 6



Chris Anderson
New Meadow Neck, Rhode Island

First Love Ministry
- a ministry of Anglemar Fellowship



Page created/updated February 4, 2019

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