"Freely you have received, freely give…. The Word of God is not bound." Mt. 10:8; II Tim. 2:9

The content of this website is offered as a gift to the Christian community of faith for spiritual profit and instruction in righteousness. We don't claim ownership of the revelation imparted to us. We don't believe it is possible to possessively "copyright" the word of God or hold it hostage to a price—whether in word or in song.

However, the First Undershepherd of Anglemar Fellowship AHS, CS reserves the right to disseminate the original content of this website (or any writing or song produced by or submitted originally to Anglemar Fellowship, whether in whole or in part, with or without credit to the originating contributor), and to arbitrate in any dispute over the official version of its content and meaning. (Translated: we will not be prevented from freely publishing or authoritatively defining our own original writing by anyone who attempts to obtain his own copyright on it.)

Pertaining to fine art, we ask that anyone reproducing music, poetry or other art originating from this website do so only for purposes of worship and ministry, but not for self-promotion or commercial gain. Acknowledgement of authorship is not necessary.

Pertaining to teaching, we ask all disseminators of content originating from this website to demonstrate pure and sincere motive in their purposes for dissemination. Acknowledgement of authorship is not necessary. But where Anglemar Fellowship or one of its contributors is specifically acknowledged as the author, we request disseminators to honor the intent of the writer(s), presenting a reasonably complete context for any quotations. We specifically ask that any partial quotations or other reductions of the full content be forthrightly noted as "edited" or "excerpted" with any and all specific points of editing clearly marked.

Because we are all on the "learning curve" of eternal life, we welcome healthy questioning and criticism of our teachings, including the quoting of this material for such purposes. Iron does sharpen iron. However, anyone who disseminates this material for commercial gain, for non-charitable or slanderous purposes or otherwise contrary to the spirit requested in this policy, is hereby notified (or reminded) of their accountability at the last day to the Chief Shepherd of Anglemar Fellowship for such motives and purposes.

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Page updated August 26, 2003