The Holy Spirit In The Church Of
[Introduction] [Part
I] [Part II] [Part
III] [Footnotes]
Footnote #4. This is not meant as a blanket indictment of everyone who is partial to the Comforter. Not everyone who is partial to the Comforter in the spirit-filled church is partial for the same reasons. There are some who have only had a first contact with God through the Comforter, but the Spirit of Truth has not fully awakened them to His requirements of obedience. For these, partiality toward the Comforter exists out of innocent ignorance and immaturity. But for the multitudes whom the Spirit of Truth has confronted, continued partiality toward the Comforter has become a cloak for conscious rejection of the Spirit's Truth.
[Introduction] [Part I] [Part II] [Part III] [Footnotes]