The Lord will restore that which the devourer, even Satan, has taken away from God's people. For only as there is a restoration of that which has been lost, can there be a fulfillment of that which the Lord has purposed. Once again, the Lord will eat the good of the land and enjoy the fruit of that which He has given them. He will restore true shepherds to His people and He will cause to cease the false shepherds and remove them from being shepherds over His people. And He will raise up shepherds who will feed the flock and lead the sheep into that good land that has been prepared for them.


Who are those shepherds? They are the ministries who are called and ordained by the Lord, that they should feed His sheep and lead them by the still waters where they may drink and be refreshed, and into green pastures where they can lie down and find rest. The Lord's true ministries will be restoredto His people, even apostles and prophets, evan­gelists, pastors and teachers. There are five in number just as the fingers on our hands. As a shepherd uses his hands to care for the sheep, so will the "hands" of the Lord's minis­tries care for those who have been committed to them. Those who have been ordained to care for the sheep when the min­istries have done that work committed to them are those lo­cal elders whom the Lord will raise up from the midst of His people. They will care for the flock and shepherd them. And from time to time, as the need arises, He will send one of His ministries to strengthen and help the people. But, when the ministry has gone, then the elders will shepherd the people.


These two groups will work together for the benefit of God's people. The ministries will lift up the elders and help them, and the elders will uphold those ministries that are sent to them. Thus the two work together for the upbuilding of God's people. The ministries will not usurp the place of the elders, neither will the elders try to fulfill the place of a ministry. For both are needed. And the Lord's people will not be torn between those who want to dominate on the one hand, and those who aspire to that which has not been given to them on the other. Again, there is need of both.


The ministries will have greater ability in the Word and in the gifts of the Lord's grace; and so they will have to be care­ful not to dominate the flock and fail to give them a chance to develop in that which He has given to each one. Likewise, when no ministry is present, the elders are also to help the members of the body to grow and develop in that which has been allotted to them.


Through the direction of the Spirit, the Lord will cause His ministries to flow throughout the whole Body, so that the benefit of that which He has given to them will be ministered to all and not just to a few. Therefore each ministry will be free to obey the Lord and go where He sends and to do that which is needed in a certain place among God's people. Then He may lead him on to another place where there is need. These ministries will be free to go where the Lord directs, that whatever He sees is needed may be met by those He sends. He also does not want the ministries hired out or under any obligation to any group whereby they will be unable to move at the behest of His Spirit. They are to be sup­ported by the free will offerings of the people so that their needs may be met and they may be free to minister where He places them.


When His ministries do minister to a certain local group, they will not seek to take all the prerogatives of shepherding to themselves, but they will work with the local shepherds to build up God's people. Neither will they seek to usurp the place given to the elders, but they will respect that position to which the elders have been called and not try to take away that which belongs to them. A ministry will only come to strengthen that which needs to be strengthened and not to tear down.


When a ministry has finished that which the Lord will have sent him to do in a certain place, then he must be sensitive to the Spirit to know when the Lord would have him leave and where He would have him go next. And the elders set over the local flocks must be sensitive to receive those ministries which the Lord will send to them, that they may recognize that spiritual authority and ministry given them by the Lord and not seek to keep that ministry from fulfilling their call­ing.

Where can you find a plan more perfect than this? Minis­tries can work for the good and the upbuilding of the local body, whether it be in the realm of establishing and setting aright those things which are not in order, or speaking forth the prophetic word in realms where there is ignorance of God's Plan and purpose, or ministering in the realm of deliverance and outreach for the cause of the Gospel, or binding up and helping in the realms where the local elders have not been adequate, or in breaking down God's Word so that it can be assimilated by all who hear. There is a ministry for every need. God is capable of sending in those ministries who will be able to meet that need.


This is a spiritual plan which can work only among a people who are willing to be led by the Lord's Spirit. But who is wise enough by carnal reasoning to determine who should be where and what ministry is needed? Only the Lord, Head of the Body, can direct all the members of that Body, including the ministries that He calls and sends forth. Only in a people who are completely willing to abandon their old ways and let the Lord teach them anew will this plan work. Only in a people who are willing to recognize Him as the sovereign head of His church and the director of all its ways will this work. Where can such a people be found? God's people have become perverted by the ways of man and what man can do by his wisdom and skill. This is an abomination to the Lord. He seeks for a people who will submit themselves to Him and learn His ways. (Until the Latter Day outpouring of the Holy Spirit, this probably will not be found, because it is to be in the pattern of that which followed the outpouring of the Spirit at the time of the first Pentecost described in the Acts of the Apostles.)