"The night is far spent and the day is at hand. And what is this day says the Lord? It is a day of retribution on all my enemies; a day when I shall arise in fury to bring vengeance on all those who have refused to give heed to my Word. And who are they that have refused to give heed? I say, they are not the heathen who have had little opport­unity, but they are those of the Christian nations who have had ample opportunity to know my truth. But they have been rebellious and self-willed. They have been unwilling to heed that which I have spoken to them. Therefore vengeance is about to descend on the nations of Christendom, and they shall feel the impact of that instrument of my Indigna­tion which I have raised up for this hour and for this purpose.


For the instrument of my indignation is the Assyrian, even as it is written in my Word. (Isa. 10:5). Do I not con­form all things to the pattern? And shall I not re-fulfill that which has been fulfilled in its initial pattern-phase before? Surely I will, and once again the Assyrian shall come against my people to take a spoil and to tread them in the streets. For many of the nations of western Christendom shall be over­run by the forces of the Assyrian. And who is the Assyrian of today? Is not the Assyrian the nation of Russia and those allied with her? For the ancient nation of Assyria was a coalition of smaller kingdoms which were forged together in­to a mighty empire. Even so is the Communistic empire of today the modern Assyrian which shall come against the lands of Christian Israel. And they shall come with fury to plun­der and destroy.


Then shall come forth that which I have purposed for this day. For truly it will be a day of both darkness and light. The darkness shall be dense and the forces of venge­ance which I have raised up come in like a flood against the lands of Christendom. But truly it will also be a day of great light as I put into motion my final stratagem. And what is this stratagem says the Lord? Is it not that I shall raise up a people that shall show forth my glory in this day? Shall I not raise up a people who shall go forth to bring a mighty deliverance in the earth? And am I not even now prepar­ing this people who will walk in my ways and be used of me as a mighty instrument in my hand? For even as there is an instrument of my vengeance, so also is there an instrument of my vindication. For I will vindicate my righteousness and my holiness in and through a people who shall be a glory to My Name. And no longer will My Name be a reproach among the nations; no longer will that which I have decreed go unheeded and unfulfilled. For truly out of Zion there shall go forth deliverers who shall turn ungodliness from Jacob and who shall bring repentance to my people. For I shall not be satisfied; my soul shall not see the fullness of my desire, until I have magnified myself in the earth and all men shall have seen my glory. Again I say, out of Zion shall my right­eousness be vindicated, for truly I will speak forth my Word in this day through a people that shall not be turned aside but shall go through the fire for My Name's sake.


The Assyrian shall be turned back. Yes, he shall re­turn to his own land. And great shall be the destruction as the arm of the Assyrian is broken and the power of his might is destroyed. For fury shall come up in my face and I will turn back the Assyrian into his own land, and there I shall break his bow and destroy his weapons of warfare.


Thus shall the day which is even now dawning come to its brightness. For righteousness shall begin to flourish and peace shall flow like a river as the vindicating arm of the Lord brings to an end that which has been a scourge to my people, and as the standard of the Lord is lifted up in the people of His glory. For truly the presence of the Lord shall begin to heal the wounds of the earth, and His fullness shall hover over the earth as the glorious work which He has purposed begins to find its full realization.


So take heed my people to that which I speak in this hour. For a new day has even now begun to dawn. The vindicating arm of the Lord is beginning to move. Vengeance it shall be against all my enemies, retribution against all my foes, and fullness of deliverance for those that put their trust in me.”


(End of prophecy)