"The light of the body is the eye (Matt. 6:22). If the eye be sound and capable of receiving the impressions that are made on it by means of the light's reflected rays, then the whole man is flooded with the knowledge of that which surrounds him. He is then capable of responding in a way that is conducive to his own welfare and happiness. But if the eye is defective, then those things which surround the man are distorted, and the light rays are unable to convey to the man the correct impression of those things which sur­round him, and he walks in confusion. Likewise, if the eye is completely defective, then he walks in darkness.


I say to you, just as the physical body has its eyes which are the gateways to true knowledge of its physical environment, so also does each man have spiritual eyes which are capable of giving him true knowledge of his spiritual environment. But the defectiveness of the spiritual eye is determined by the extent to which the man is engrossed in rebellion and in sin. If the darkness which is about him has overcome him, it is because his spiritual eyes have been dam­aged through the corrupting influence of sin. For sin is that form of resistance to the will and purpose of God which cau­ses a man to lose his spiritual perceptiveness.


Almost all children have sound spiritual eyes and thus a great deal of spiritual perceptiveness. They easily respond to that spiritual environment which is conveyed to them in one way or another. But as they grow older, and self-will begins to play a more dominant role; and they begin to be more aware of and susceptible to the corrupting influences of the world around them; and they begin to respond to these corrupting influences, setting their will more firmly against the spiritual influences which formerly had a prominent effect on their lives; and begin more and more to submit to self- will and self-desire in opposition to the will and desires of the heavenly Father, then do their spiritual eyes begin to become defective and they are not able to see clearly. Con­fusion and inability to discern correctly becomes their com­mon lot. They no longer have the ability to respond to that spiritual environment which surrounds them because they are receiving distorted impressions and are walking in various stages of darkness.


Do not they that walk in darkness stumble and fall, even as it is written? (John 11:10). Therefore grief and consternation become the lot of those who are not walking in light, but are stumbling to their own hurt. I say to you, it is only when the will has been dealt with, and one has come to the place where he is willing to surrender his own desires and commit his way to the Lord, that the condition of the spiritual eyes is able to improve. For the corrupting influences of sinful self-will and desire make it impossible for spiritual sight to be sound. But when there is true repent­ance and turning to the Lord in full confidence and surrender, then does spiritual vision begin to clear, and the light of the Spirit is able to convey the correct impressions that truth is able to give.


So my people hear my word, if your spiritual vision would be sound, and your whole life flooded with the light of spiritual understanding and perception, let me continue to deal with you concerning your willingness to receive my truth. For many there are who are willing to receive some truth, and the light of my Spirit is able to make that truth real to them, but then they harden their will as they begin to perceive how their own desires and self-interests will be affected. They are not willing to receive more light and understanding, and their spiritual vision remains defective. The eyes of their understanding are not functioning in com­plete soundness. Therefore they are walking partly in light and partly in darkness, and the light which they have is not sufficient to lead them into that place of complete victory in me. Their spiritual life is hampered because there is no complete soundness in their spiritual vision.


Will you not hear my people, and pray that your own desires will be so completely yielded to me; your own will so completely under my control that nothing shall keep you from going on in my truth. Consider not that which will re­sult in the eyes of men; neither how what you believe will affect those around you, but keep your heart and your atten­tion centered on me, for I will not let anything happen to you that is not for your own good, but I will surely keep you in that which will bring you forth in my perfect image and likeness. Fear not, I say, for fear of what men may think is that which robs you of receiving the continuous light and revelation of my Spirit. For fearing for your own reputation in the sight of men, you do give more consideration to your own desires and your own flesh than to the love of your God, and in doing so you do set your will against His further light and truth. Therefore your spiritual vision remains unsound and your light is turned to darkness."


(End of prophecy)


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